Ocjenjivački sud: doc. dr. Belma Alić

doc. dr. Belma Alić
Diplomirala je 2004. godine u klasi prof. Yevgeny Xaviereff-a na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu. Godine 2007. završava postdiplomski studij u istoj klasi i 2015. godine doktorski studij na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu na temu nove tehnike sviranja s fokusom na suvremenu muziku pisanu za violončelo solo.
Tijekom školovanja pohađala je brojne seminare za violončelo i komornu muziku kod profesora Herre-Jan Stegenga, Chagit Glaser, Nikola Ružević, Balazs Mate , Conradin Brotbek, Johannes Goritzki, M. Hayshi and Raphael Wallfisch. Surađivala je s istaknutim Gudačkim kvartetom Medici iz Londona i gudačkim kvartetom Manhatten.
Bila je članica Međunarodnog omladinskog gudačkog orkestra (dirigent Simon Robinson) u Sloveniji i dvije koncertne sezone Svjetskog simfonijskog orkestra muzičke omladine (dirigenti: Carlos Kalmar, Amy Andersson i Yakov Kreizberg). U junu 2011. godine je sudjelovala u akademiji za mlade muzičare u organizaciji Kamernog orkestra Evrope s dirigentom Nikolausom Harnoncourt.
Osvojila je više prvih i specijalnih nagrada na takmičenjima učenika i studenata muzike u FBiH i 2001. godine prvu nagradu na Međunarodnom takmičenju Val Tidone u Italiji u kategoriji kametne muzike (duo-klavir i violončelo) i 2010. godine specijalno priznanje za nestandardne ansamble u kategoriji Tidone folk (duo-glas i violončelo). Dobitnica je nagrade za poseban nastup na završnom koncertu seminara za gudače u Italiji (Martina Franca) 2010 godine.
Kao solista nastupala je uz pratnju orkestra Sarajevske filharmonije, Kamernog simfonijskog orkestra Zenica, Orkestra studenata Muzičke akademije u Sarajevu, Kamernog orkestra Muzičke akademije u Sarajevu i Mostar Sinfoniette.
Svirala je s istaknutim muzičarima kao što su David Wilde, Michael Copley, Darragh Morgan, Ruth Waterman, Theodore Bikel, Edin Karamazov, Shura Lipovsky, Merima Ključo, Jeremy Joseph, Willam Conway, Nigel Osborne, Vanessa Redgrave i Tamara Brooks.
Umjetnički je rukovodilac komornog ansambla Mostar Sinfonietta i članica je komornog ansambla muzičke akademije aMAS. Od 2007.godine je član ansambla Circus opera, u čijoj produkciji opere Nigel Osborna je imala uspješne nastupe u Bosni i Hercegovini, Engleskoj, Škotskoj i Austriji, a čija opera Differencess in Demolition je izvedena na festivalu City of London Festival, te imala direktni prenos s koncertnog izvođenja u Edinburgh-u na BBC radiju.
Docent je na predmetu komorna muzika za gudače i ima poziciju šefa gudačkog odsjeka na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu.
Belma Alić ( 1980, Zenica) graduated in 2004 in the class of Prof . Yevgeny Xaviereff at the Music Academy in Sarajevo. In 2007 she completed her postgraduate studies in the same class and in 2015. doctoral studies at the Music Academy in Sarajevo. The theme of her research was Extended techniques in contemporary music for cello solo.
During her studies she attended numerous masterclasses with Prof. Herre-Jan Stegenga, Chagit Glaser, Nikola Ružević, Balazs Mate , Conradin Brotbek, Johannes Goritzki, M. Hayashi and Raphael Wallfisch. She has worked with the prominent Medici String Quartet from London and Manhattan String Quartet .
She was a member of the International Youth String Orchestra ( conductor Simon Robinson ) in Slovenia and played two concert season in the World Youth Symphony Orchestra Music (conductors Carlos Kalmar , Amy Andersson and Yakov Kreizberg ) . In June 2011 Belma participated in the academy for young musicians organized by the Chamber Orchestra of Europe under conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt .
She has won several first and special prizes at competitions in the Federationof Bosnia and in 2001 she was first prize winner at the Val Tidone International Competition in Italy in the category of chamber music (piano and cello). In 2010 she gained special recognition for non-standard ensembles in the category Tidone folk (voice and cello). She has won awards for a performance at the final concert of masterclasses for Strings in Italy (Martina Franca) 2010.
She appeared as a soloist with orchestras such as the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra , Symphony Orchestra of Zenica , Chamber Orchestra of the Music Academy in Sarajevo and the Mostar Sinfonietta .
She has performed with renowned artists such as David Wilde , Michael Copley , Darragh Morgan , Ruth Waterman , Theodore Bikel , Shura Lipovský, Merima key, Edin Karamazov , Jeremy Joseph , Rade Šerbedžija , Will Conway , Nigel Osborne , Vanessa Redgrave and Tamara Brooks .
She is the artistic manager of the chamber ensemble Mostar Sinfonietta and a member of chamber ensemble Music Academy AMAS . Since 2007 she is a member of the ensemble Opera Circus , whose performances of Nigel Osborne's opera Differences in Demolition received wide acclaim in Bosnia and Herzegovina , England, Scotland and Austria. The opera was also performed at the City of London Festival and was broadcasted live in Edinburgh for BBC radio .
She is assistant professor in chamber music for strings including tutoring the student String Chamber Orchestra and also holds the position of head of the string department at the Music Academy in Sarajevo.