Ocjenjivački sud: Red. prof. art. Krešimir Lazar

Red. prof. art. Krešimir Lazar
KREŠIMIR LAZAR rođen je u Varaždinu. U rodnom je gradu završio osnovnu i
srednju glazbenu školu u klasi prof. D. Milkovića. Diplomirao je na Muzičkoj
akademiji u Zagrebu, u klasi prof. V. Dešpalja kod kojega je ujedno i magistrirao.
Osvojio je nagrade u zemlji i inozemstvu, među kojima I. nagradu na međunarodnom
natjecanju Alfredo Marcosig u Goriziji (Italija) zatim nagradu Hrvatske
radiotelevizije Amando Ivančić, Rektorovu nagradu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Dekanovu
nagradu Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu, nagradu Hrvatskog glazbenog zavoda,
nagradu Društva sveučilišnih nastavnika i ostalih znanstvenih djelatnika u Zagrebu i
nagradu Varaždinskih baroknih večeri za najbolju interpretaciju solista „Jurica Murai“
za 2011.
Koncertirao je u više europskih te latinoameričkih zemalja. Kao solist nastupao je uz
Zagrebačku filharmoniju, Varaždinski komorni orkestar, Hrvatski barokni ansambl,
Hrvatski komorni orkestar, Dubrovački simfonijski orkestar i HGM Jazz orkestar. Za
nakladničku kuću Cantus snimio je uz Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a Koncert za
violinu, violončelo i orkestar Ž. Brkanovića, a u suradnji s čembalistom K. Hasom
snimio je i izdao na nosaču zvuka integralnu snimku 6 sonata za violončelo B.
Marcella. 2017. snimio je trajnu snimku za Hrvatski radio - Sonata za violončelo i
glasovir B. Kunca u suradnji s pijanisticom S. Poljak, a 2018. izdao je CD
"Vulnerasti cor meum" s ansamblom Camerata Garestin. 2020. izašao je i CD
integralne snimke svih 6 sonata F. Geminianija koji je ostvario u suradnji s K.
Hasom. Uz koncertnu djelatnost sudjelovao je kao predavač na međunarodnom
festivalu gudača Strings Only u Zadru i kao član međunarodnih žirija na istoimenom
natjecanju, kao i na međunarodnom natjecanju Alfredo i Vanda Marcosig u Goriziji
(Italija), na Državnom natjecanju učenika i studenata glazbe Hrvatske i Slovenije kao
i na nacionalnom natjecanju "Papandopulo". Redovito održava zimske seminare u
Opatiji u organizaciji udruge «Pro musica», a seminare je održavao i u Zadru, Rijeci i
Stalni je član, solist i šef Varaždinskog komornog orkestra, član je i osnivač
ansambala „Camerata Garestin“ i „Amadeus trio Zagreb“ i stalni vanjski suradnik u
Simfonijskom orkestru HRT-a na mjestu zamjenika vođe dionice violončela, a
surađivao je i sa „Hrvatskim baroknim ansamblom“, ansamblom „Cantus“,
ansamblom ”3+” te ansamblom „Le Parlement de Musique“. Član je Hrvatskog
društva glazbenih umjetnika.
Zaposlen je na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu kao redoviti profesor.
Violoncellist Krešimir Lazar was born in Varaždin. He finished primary and secondary
school in his hometown in the class of D. Milković. He graduated from Zagreb
Academy of Music in the class of Professor V. Dešpalj who was also his mentor
while he was doing his master thesis. He has won numerous awards both in Croatia
and abroad, some of which include the first prize at the international competition
Alfredo Marcosig in Gorizia (Italy), the award of Croatian Radio Television Amando
Ivančić, the University of Zagreb Rector's award,the Zagreb Music Academy's
Dean’s award, Croatian Music Institute award, the award of the Society of University
Teachers, Scholars and Other Scientists in Zagreb and the Jurica Murai award at
Varaždin Baroque Evenings in 2011 for the best solo interpretation. He played in
concerts in many European and Latin-American countries. He has also performed as
soloist with the Zagreb Philharmonic, Varaždin Chamber Orchestra, Croatian
Baroque Ensemble, Croatian Chamber Orchestra, Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra
and the HGM Jazz Orchestra.For the publishing house Cantus he has recorded the
Concerto for the violin, cello and orchestra by Željko Brkanović accompanied by the
Symphony Orchestra of the Croatian Radio Television. He has paid special interest
to performing rarely performed music of Early and High Baroque putting special
emphasis on interpreting music composed by Croatian composers of this period of
music history. With harpsichordist Krešimir Has he recorded and published two CD's
with integral recordings of all Sonatas for cello and b.c. from B. Marcello and F.
Geminiani. Apart from the concert activities, he participated as a lecturer at the
international strings festival Strings Only in Zadar and was also a member of the
international jury at the competition of the same name. He was also a jury member at
the international competition Alfredo and Vanda Marcosig in Gorizia (Italy), National
Croatian Competition "Papandopulo" and the National competition of musical pupils
and students of Croatia and Slovenia. He teaches winter seminars in Dubrovnik and
in Opatija regularly in the organization of Pro musica association. He is a regular
contributor and soloist in Varaždin Chamber Orchestra (and its president), the
initiator and co-founder of Camerata Garestin ensemble and a member and co-
founder of Amadeus Trio Zagreb ensemble. In his musical career he has
collaborated with numerous ensembles, some of which are Croatian Baroque
Ensemble, Cantus ensemble, 3+ ensemble and Le Parlement de Musique ensemble.
Krešimir Lazar is also a member of Croatian Society of Music Artistsand and full
professor at the Zagreb Music Academy.