Ocjenjivački sud: Nasl. doc. art. Mario Šincek

Nasl. doc. art. Mario Šincek
Mario Šincek (1979.), rođen u Varaždinu. Prvu glazbenu poduku dobiva od oca Vjekoslava, a nižu i srednju glazbenu školu završio je u Varaždinu u razredu profesora Stjepana Rukljića, instrument trombon. Nakon trećeg razreda srednje škole, 1996. upisao je MA u Zagrebu, klasa prof. Vulelija, te ju završava s odličnim uspjehom. Dobitnik je Dekanove nagrade (2000.g.) za opći uspjeh i umjetnička dostignuća tijekom studija. Na drugoj godini MA, 1998. uspješno je položio audiciju za stalni radni odnos na mjestu solo trombona u Operi HNK u Zagrebu gdje ostaje raditi do 2003. godine kada polaže audiciju za solo trombon u Zagrebačkoj filharmoniji gdje radi i danas.
Njegov široki spektar interesa u pogledu glazbe naveo ga je da se aktivno bavi i srodnim instrumentima trombona te ga često možemo viđati kao interpreta na bas-trublji ili eufoniju. Upravo je s eufonijom (u nekim jezičnim izričajima se navodi tenor-tuba) kao član kvarteta tuba XL ostvario svoje visoke umjetničke dosege u vidu komornog muziciranja i snimanja nosača zvuka, a što je rezultiralo turnejama po SAD-u, Aziji i Australiji.
Također, član je ansambla „Ad gloriam brass“, Cantus ansambla za modernu glazbu, te nastupa kao solist uz orkestar ili uz pratnju orgulja. Česti je član je stručnog povjerenstva na domaćim i međunarodnim natjecanjima limenih puhača. Voditelj je seminarskih radionica trombona.
Kao solist ili komorni glazbenik ostvario je pozamašnu brojku praizvedbi, aktivno se bavi aranžiranjem, pogotovo za limene puhače, a snimio je i pet nosača zvuka klasične glazbe u komornim sastavima.
Od 2006.godine bio je asistent trombona na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, a od rujna 2012. docent je na istoj ustanovi gdje predaje pet kolegija: Trombon, Srodni instrumenti, Pedagoška praksa, Metodika trombona i tube te Studij orkestarskih dionica.
Autor je prvog samostalnog nosača zvuka s glazbom hrvatskih skladatelja za trombon i klavir u izdanju kuće Cantus d.o.o. pod nazivom”Vox Gabrieli” koji je izašao 2018.
Mario Šincek (1979), born in Varaždin. He received his first music lessons from his father Vjekoslav, and he finished primary and secondary music school in Varaždin in the class of professor Stjepan Rukljić, instrument trombone. After the third grade of high school, in 1996 he enrolled in Music academy in Zagreb, class of prof. Vulelija, and ends it with great success. He won the Dean's Award (2000) for overall success and artistic achievement during his studies. In the second year of study, in 1998, he won audition for solo trombone at the Opera of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb, where he remained until 2003 when he won audition for a solo trombone at the Zagreb Philharmonic, where he still works today.
His wide range of interests in terms of music has led him to be actively involved in related trombone instruments and we can often see him as a bass trumpet or euphonic performer. It was with euphonium (in some linguistic expressions the tenor-tuba is mentioned) that as a member of the XL tuba quartet he achieved his high artistic achievements in the form of chamber music and recording of sound carriers, which resulted in tours in the USA, Asia and Australia.
He is also a member of the ensemble "Ad gloriam brass", Cantus ensemble for modern music, and performs as a soloist with orchestra or organ accompaniment. He is a frequent member of the expert committee at domestic and international brass competitions. He is the leader of trombone seminar workshops.
As a soloist or chamber musician, he has achieved a large number of premieres, is actively involved in arranging, especially for brass instruments, and has also recorded five classical music carriers in chamber ensembles.
Since 2006 he has been an assistant teacher of trombone at the Music Academy in Zagreb, and since September 2012 he is professor at the same institution where he teaches five courses: Trombone, Related Instruments, Pedagogical Practice, Trombone and Tube Methodology and Study of Orchestral Excerpts.
He is the author of the first compact disc with music by Croatian composers for trombone and piano, published by Cantus d.o.o. called “Vox Gabrieli”, introduced 2018.