Ocjenjivački sud: izv. prof. art. Bánk Harkay

izv. prof. art. Bánk Harkay
Rođen sam u Subotici. Osnovnu glazbenu naobrazbu dobivam u Glazbenoj školi u Subotici, gdje i maturiram 1987. god. Za vrijeme školovanja sudjelujem na raznim natjecanjima i smotrama glazbenih škola na kojima sam osvajao I. nagrade. Nastupam uz pratnju Subotičke Filharmonije u kojoj sam stjecao prva orkestralna iskustva. Sudjelujem u radu raznih komornih ansambala
Studij roga započinjem na Muzičku akademiju u Zagrebu 1988. god. u klasi prof. Prerada Detičeka, gdje i diplomiram 1992. god. s najboljom ocjenom.
Tijekom studija sudjelujem na natjecanju učenika i studenata muzičkih škola i akademija te na natjecanju mladih umjetnika. Na oba natjecanja osvajam prva mjesta. Sudjelujem u radu raznih komornih ansambala i orkestara.
1989. i 1990. god. pohađam majstorske tečajeve u Beču (Austrija) i Velenu (Njemačka) kod prof. Hermanna Baumanna. Na tečajevima dobivam najbolje ocjene.
Za vrijeme studija sudjelujem u radu Zagrebačke Filharmonije, Simfonijskog orkestra HRT-a, Hrvatskog komornog orkestra.
Dobitnik sam rektorovih nagrada, kao solist i kao član akademskog orkestra u projektu Mozartove opere, te nagrade HGZ-a.
1991. god. s kolegama osnivamo Zagrebački Puhački Ansambl s kojim postižemo zapažene uspjehe u domovini i izvan nje. Objavili smo sljedeće nosače zvuka: 1999. godine “Summer music”, 2005. godine "In - Out", 2006. godine "Mládí", 2020. godine „Boris Papandopulo: Divertimenti Pastorali“. 2011. godine nastupamo na Splitskom ljetu i Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama sa zapaženim uspjehom
Od 1993. god. postajem prvi hornist Simfonijskog orkestra HRT-a.
Iste godine upisujem i započinjem studij roga na Folkwang Hochschule-Essen, Njemačka, u klasi prof. Hermanna Baumanna. Zapažene uspjehe imam u radu raznih komornih ansambala i orkestara, kao i solist.
S najvišom ocjenom diplomiram 1995. god.
Surađujem sa Zagrebačkim solistima, s kojima sam snimio nosač zvuka „Sorkočević: Simfonije“. Ostvarujem zapažene nastupe u domovini i u inozemstvu.
Kao vanjski član surađujem sa Zagrebačkom filharmonijom. Od rujna 2006. godine postajem stalni član puhačkog okteta Zagrebačke filharmonije.
Od studenog 2007. postajem vanjski suradnik Simfonijskog orkestra HRT-a. Iste godine započinjem s pedagoškim radom kao docent na Muzičkoj akademiji a od 2015 kao izvanredni profesor.
Stalni sam član ansambla za modernu glazbu Cantus od njezina osnutka 2001. godine, s kojima ostvarujem zapažene nastupe u domovini i u inozemstvu te brojna snimljena dijela.
Surađujem s Hrvatskim Baroknim ansamblom sa prirodnim/baroknim rogom.
I was born in Subotica. My basic music education I receive at the Music School in Subotica, where I graduated in 1987. During my education I participated in various competitions and festivals of music schools where I won 1st place awards. I performed with the accompaniment of the Subotica Philharmonic orchestra, where I gained my first orchestral experiences. I participate in the work of various chamber ensembles.
I started my studies at the Academy of Music in Zagreb in 1988. in the class of Prof. Prerad Detiček where I graduated in 1992. with the highest grade.
During my studies, I participated in competitions for students of music schools and academies and in the competition of young artists. I won first place in both competitions. Also, during studies, I participated in the work of various chamber ensembles and orchestras.
1989 and 1990. I attended master classes in Vienna (Austria) and Velen (Germany) with Prof. Hermann Baumann where I got the best grades in courses.
During my studies, I participated in the work of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, the Croatian Radio-television Symphony Orchestra, the Croatian Chamber Orchestra.
I have received rector's awards, as a soloist and as a member of the academic orchestra in the Mozart Opera project, and the Croatian Music Institute Award.
1991. with my colleagues we established the Zagreb Wind Ensemble with which we achieved notable successes in our homeland and outside. We released the following sound carriers: in 1999 "Summer music", 2005 "In - Out", 2006. "Mládí", 2020. „Boris Papandopulo: Divertimenti Pastorali“. In 2011 we performed at the Split summer festival and Dubrovnik Summer Games with notable success.
Since 1993. I had became the Principal Horn of the Croatian Radio-television Symphony Orchestra.
In the same year I enrolled and started studying horn at Folkwang Hochschule-Essen, Germany, in the class of Prof. Hermann Baumann. I have notable achievements in the work of various chamber ensembles and orchestras, as well as soloists.
I graduated, with the highest grade, in 1995.
I collaborate with Zagreb soloists, with whom I recorded the sound carrier "Sorkočević: Symphonies". I made notable appearances at home and abroad.
As an external member, I have collaborated with the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra. Since September 2006 I have become a permanent member of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra's Wind Octet.
Since November 2007 I have become an external associate of the Croatian Radio-television Symphony Orchestra. In the same year I started my pedagogical work as an assistant professor at the Academy of Music and from 2015 as an associate professor.
I have been a permanent member of the Cantus Ensemble for modern music since its inception in 2001, with which I perform notable performances at home and abroad and numerous recorded parts.
I collaborate with the Croatian Baroque Ensemble with natural/baroque horn.