Ocjenjivački sud: Luis Camacho Montealegre, ass.

Luis Camacho Montealegre, ass.
Luis Camacho Montealegre rođen je 1994. godine u Španjolskoj (Alcázar de San Juan). Glazbeno je obrazovanje počeo u dobi od šest godina. Maturirao je na glazbenom konzervatoriju Alcázar de San Juan, osvojivši posebne počasti kao udaraljkaš. Nastavio se razvijati na Konzervatoriju Manuel Masotti Littel, gdje je uspješno završio preddiplomski studij u razredu Juanfraa Carrilla. U tom razdoblju osvojio je prvu nagradu u kategoriji Edeta na međunarodnome udaraljkaškom natjecanju Perkulliria. Usavršavao se kod brojnih izvrsnih udaraljkaša kao što su Sergi Perales, José Luis González, Javier Benet, Jean Geoffroy, Tchiki Duo i Keiko Abe. Tijekom diplomskog studija nastupio je kao solist u koncertu za marimbu Water Sculpture Igora Lešnika, koji je izveo uz pratnju gudačkog orkestra zagrebačke Muzičke akademije u Puli, Bjelovaru, Zagrebu i Čakovcu. U siječnju 2018. godine nagrađen je Dekanovom nagradom Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu. U sklopu koncerta Ritmofonija održanog 2019. godine u koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog nastupio je kao solist uz pratnju Simfonijskog orkestra zagrebačke Muzičke akademije sa skladbom Koncert za Ivanu kompozitora Igora Kuljerića. Iste godine osvojio je prvu nagradu na međunarodnom udaraljkaškom natjecanju Ritmofonija. Diplomski studij udaraljki završava 2019. godine, u razredu red.prof.art. Igora Lešnika, radeći istovremeno s izv.prof.art. Ivane Kuljerić Bilić.
Osnovao je Flam-a Duo s kolegom Francescom Mazzolenijem. Od samog osnivanja dua, velik naglasak stavljen je na komunikaciju, kako međusobnu, tako i s publikom. Koristeći glazbeni nastup kao sredstvo pripovijedanja priča, Flam-a se u svojem radu oslanja na intuiciju koja se temelji na snažnoj emocionalnoj povezanosti s odabranim repertoarom. Za ovaj duo, suština komorne glazbe je postizanje maksimalne moguće sinergije između izvođača te zajedničko istraživnje svih elemenata koji oblikuju glazbu: od organiziranja i proširivanja repertoara udaraljkaškog dueta do raščlanjivanja i analiziranja glazbe, zvuka i pokreta do realizacije i prenošenja ideja i emocija tijekom izvedbe.
Već u prvim godinama djelovanja, duo je nastupio na brojnim festivalima kao što su Ivana Bilić Marimba Week (Samobor, Hrvatska), Salotto Musicale (Treviso/Belluno, Italija), International Percussion Ensemble Week (Bjelovar, Hrvatska), Percussion Camp (Tenerife, Španjolska), Večeri udaraljkaša u Križevcima (Križevci, Hrvatska), Ivana Summer Percussion Festival (Samobor, Hrvatska) i Arte Entre Gigantes (Campo de Criptana, Španjolska). Nastupili su u okviru europskog projekta Hrvatskoga radija Rođendan umjetnosti 2018. godine. Snimka nastupa direktno je emitirana u mreži Europske radijske unije.
Iako su u početku uglavnom bili usredotočeni na repertoar za marimbe i osvojili druge nagrade na natjecanjima IV Percute natjecanje komorne glazbe 2016 u Valenciji. i Universal Marimba Competition u Belgiji 2017. godine, danas je njihov interes širok i proteže se na sve vrste udaraljki. Praizveli su djela hrvatskih autora skladana posebno za njihov duo te bili nositelji promotivnog projekta novih studija MA s nekoliko originalnih video klipova. 2020. godine su na svojem YouTube kanalu objavili seriju videa „Sunday at Soundbrick Studio“ u kojoj su prikazali neke od svojih najnovijih aranžmana za marimbu i vibrafon te klasične skladbe za iste instrumente.
Trenutno je zaposlen kao zamjenik vođe dionice udaraljki u Simfonijskom orkestru Hrvatske radiotelevizije i kao Lešnikov asistent na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu.
Luis Camacho Montealegre was born in 1994 in Spain (Alcázar de San Juan). He started his music education at the age of six. He finished his high school studies at Alcázar de San Juan Conservatory of Music. He continued to develop at the Manuel Massotti Littel Conservatory, where he successfully completed his Bachelor studies in Juanfra Carrillo’s class, obtaining special award for his Bachelor recital. During this period he won the first prize in the category of Edeta at the Perkulliria International Percussion Competition. In 2016, he starts his activity with Flam-a Duo, a percussion duo with Francesco Mazzoleni. Flam-a Duo has won two Second Prizes: in IV Percute Chamber Music Competition in 2016 and in the Universal Marimba Competition celebrated in Belgium in 2017. During his master studies, he performed Igor Lesnik’s marimba concerto “Water Sculpture”, with the accompaniment of the Zagreb Music Academy String Orchestra in several Croatian concert halls. In January 2018, he was awarded the Dean's Award by the Zagreb Academy of Music. As a part of the Rhythmophony concert held in 2019 in the concert hall of Vatroslav Lisinski, he performed “Concerto for Ivana” by Igor Kuljerić as a soloist, accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of the Zagreb Academy of Music. In the same year, he finished his Master studies under the mentorship of prof. Igor Lesnik and won the first prize at the International Rhythm-o-phonia Percussion Competition. During his master studies, he also works continuously with prof. Ivana Bilic.
He created Flam-a Duo with Francesco Mazzoleni. From the beginning, one of the main characteristics of the duo has been their communication, both with each other and with the audience. Using musical performance as a means of storytelling, Flam-a leans on brilliant intuition that is based on a strong emotional connection with the selected repertoire. For the duo, the essence of chamber music is to achieve the maximum possible synergy between performers and, in doing so, to investigate together all the elements that shape the music: from organizing and expanding the repertoire of the percussion duo to breaking down and analyzing music, sound and movement to the realization and transmission of ideas and emotions during the performance.
Already from its creation, the duo has performed at important festivals throughout Europe: Ivana Bilić Marimba Week (Samobor, Croatia), Salotto Musicale (Treviso/Belluno, Italy) International Percussion Ensemble Week (Bjelovar, Croatia) and Percussion Camp (Tenerife, Spain), Keiko Abe Lausanne International Marimba Academy (Lausanne, Switzerland), Arte Entre Gigantes (Campo de Criptana, Spain). The duo has performed on the occasion of the European project – 2018 Birthday of Art, with a live broadcast of Croatian Radio in the EBU network.
Flam-a Duo started principally focusing on marimba repertoire and has won two second prizes: Percute Chamber Music Competition in 2016 and the Universal Marimba Competition in 2017. Later on the duo widened their style including all types of percussion, currently focusing on marimba and vibraphone. They have premiered several Croatian pieces written specially for the duo and have inaugurated the newly opened Zagreb Music Academy recording studio. In 2020, they released in YouTube their recording session “Sunday at Soundbrick Studio” in which they featured some of their newest arrangements for marimba and vibraphone among classics for the same instruments’ set.
He is currently employed as a deputy leader of the percussion section of the Croatian Radio-Television Symphony Orchestra and as Igor Lesnik’s Assistant Professor at the Zagreb Music Academy.