Ocjenjivački sud: Nasl. doc. art. Martin Draušnik

Nasl. doc. art. Martin Draušnik
Martin Draušnik (Zagreb, 1981.) je svestrani glazbenik čije se polje djelovanja proteže od solističkih nastupa i recitala preko brojnih komornih sastava pa sve do koncertmajstora različitih orkestara, kako komornih tako i simfonijskih. Od 2010. godine djeluje na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, prvo kao asistent, a 2016. postaje docent.
Violinu je diplomirao na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi Maje Dešpalj-Begović. Školovanje je nastavio, kao stipendist Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, na Hochschule für Musik u Freiburgu, u klasi Latice Honde-Rosenberg. Daljnje usavršavanje uslijedilo je na Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst u Stuttgartu, gdje je završio solistički studij u klasi jednog od najpoznatijih svjetskih violinista, Ingolfa Turbana. Na koncu, svoje obrazovanje proširuje i na violu, koju je diplomirao na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi Aleksandra Miloševa. Tijekom školovanja uz prve nagrade na hrvatskim natjecanjima osvojio je i brojne nagrade i priznanja kao Radio podij, Nagrade Darko Lukić (2001. i 2010.), Ivo Vuljević, Stjepan Šulek, Nagradu Koncertne Dvorane Vatroslava Lisinskog.
Za vrijeme studija u Njemačkoj, svirao je u orkestru SWR Sinfonie Orchester Freiburg und Baden-Baden. Odmah nakon završetka studija 2007. polaže audiciju za zamjenika koncertmajstora u Zagrebačkoj filharmoniji, a 2011. postaje i koncertmajstor tog orkestra. Paralelno s tim, od 2005. koncertmajstor je ansambla I Virtuosi di Paganini iz Münchena pod umjetničkim vodstvom Ingolfa Turbana s kojim redovito nastupa. 2012. godine nakon duge pauze oživljava ansambl Komorni studio Zagrebačke filharmonije čiji je koncertmajstor i umjetnički voditelj. Gostujući je koncertmajstor Zagrebačkih Solista i Ansambla Cantus, a povremeno i Zadarskog komornog orkestra i Varaždinskog komornog orkestra.
Jedan je od osnivača Gudačkog kvarteta Porin, a 2010. godine osniva i Zagreb trio.
Od 2016. prva je violina Hrvatskog gudačkog kvarteta s kojim 2018. izdaje CD Moje djetinjstvo s cjelokupnim opusom gudačkih kvarteta Stjepana Šuleka.
Nastupi s različitim orkestrima i ansamblima odveli su ga na turneje po Njemačkoj, Švicarskoj, Francuskoj, Španjolskoj, Italiji, Poljskoj, Mađarskoj, Belgiji, Turskoj, Rusiji, Ukrajini, Argentini, Izraelu, Kanadi i SAD-u gdje je nastupao u dvoranama poput Carnegie Halla, Berlinske filharmonije, Konzerthausa i Musikvereina u Beču, Festspielhausa u Salzburgu te na festivalima poput Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara, Muzičkog Biennala u Zagrebu, Varšavske jeseni, Osorske glazbene večeri, Trieste Prima.
Kao solist nastupa uz Zagrebačku filharmoniju, Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a, Orkestar riječke Opere, Cappelu Istropolitanu, Ansambl Cantus, Hrvatski komorni orkestar i Zadarski komorni orkestar. 2010. uz Ansambl Cantus, s velikim uspjehom izvodi hrvatsku praizvedbu Violinskog koncerta Györgya Ligetija, a snimka tog koncerta izdana je 2016. godine u sklopu CD-a Cantus Live(s) i nominirana za nagradu Porin. 2013. uz Zagrebačku filharmoniju izvodi Papandopulov Koncert za violinu i violončelo u Zlatnoj dvorani Musikvereina u Beču.
Svira na violini graditelja Fabricea Girardina iz 2000. godine.
Martin Draušnik (Zagreb, 1981) is a versatile musician whose activities include solo appearances and recitals, performances with numerous chamber ensembles as well as playing as concertmaster with different orchestras, chamber and symphonic equally. He has been teaching at the Zagreb Academy of Music since 2010.
Martin Draušnik graduated from the Music Academy in Zagreb (violin) where he studied in the class of Maja Dešpalj-Begović. He continued his studies as a scholar of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences, at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg, where he completed his postgraduate studies in the class of Latica Honda-Rosenberg. Further training followed at the Hochschule für Music and Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart, where he completed his studies as classical soloist with one of the world’s most famous violinist Ingolf Turban. Finally he extended his education to viola studies and graduated from the Zagreb Music Academy in the class of Alexander Milošev.
During his education, apart from winning first prizes at Croatian competitions, he also won numerous awards and recognitions: e.g. Radio podium, Awards : Darko Lukić (in 2001 and in 2010), Ivo Vuljević, Stjepan Šulek, Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall.
During studying in Germany he played in SWR Sinfonie Orchester Freiburg und Baden-Baden. Immediately upon completion of his studies he passed the audition for deputy concertmaster with Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, and became orchestra's concertmaster in 2011. Parallelly, since 2005 he has served as concertmaster of I Virtuosi di Paganini from München, under the artistic leadership of Ingolf Turban with whom he performs regularly.
After a long pause, in 2012 he revived Zagreb Philharmonic Chamber Studio, serving as its concertmaster as well as artistic leader. He is also a guest concert master with Zagreb Soloists and Cantus Ensemble, occasionally also with Zadar Chamber Orchestra and Varaždin Chamber Orchestra.
He is one of the founders of Porin String Quartet. In 2010 he also founded Zagreb Trio. From 2016. he is first violin of the Croatian String Quartet. In 2018. the Quartet published a CD My Childhood with the complete opus for string quartet by Stjepan Šulek.
Appearances with different orchestras and ensembles have taken him on tours of Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Turkey, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, Canada and U.S. where he played the halls ranging from Carnegie Hall, Berlin Philharmonic Hall, Konzerthaus to Musikverein in Vienna, Festspielhaus in Salzburg and at festivals like Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Music Biennale Zagreb, Warsaw Fall, Osor Evenings, Trieste Prima.
As a soloist he performs with Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, Croatian Radiotelevision Symphony Orchestra, Rijeka Opera Orchestra, Cappella Istriana, Cantus Ensemble, Croatian Chamber Orchestra and Zadar Chamber Orchestra. In 2010, with Cantus Ensemble, he played the Croatian premiere of György Ligeti's Violin Concerto with great success.The recording from the concert was published on CD Cantus Live(s). In 2013, with Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, he performed Papandopulo's Violin and Cello Concerto at the Golden Hall of Musikverein in Vienna. He performs on the violin made by Fabrice Girardin from the year 2000.