Ocjenjivački sud: Nasl. izv. prof. art. Davor Reba

Nasl. izv. prof. art. Davor Reba
Davor Reba (1975.) diplomirao je 1994. i magistrirao 1998. godine na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Josipa Tonžetića.
Usavršavao se od 1994. do 1996. godine u Antwerpenu u klasi prof. Waltera Boeykensa.
Surađivao je s hrvatskim pijanistima Marinom Matolić, Ivanom Batošem, Juliom Gubaydulinom, Ljubomirom Gašparovićem, Srebrenkom Poljak, Lanom Bradić, Martinom Cukrov s kojima je održavao recitale po Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu.
Nastupao je uz pratnju Zagrebačke filharmonije, Hrvatskog komornog orkestra i Zadarskog komornog orkestra.
Također je surađivao s mnogim komornim ansamblima poput Zagrebačkog kvarteta, Kvarteta Porin, Cantusa, Kvarteta klarineta Arundo Donex(Belgija), Puhačkog kvinteta Crowind, te Varaždinskim komornim orkestrom, Hrvatskim komornim orkestrom i orkestrom HRT-a. Suosnivač je Puhačkog okteta Zagrebačke filharmonije, Septeta «Ad libitum» ZF i Ansambla klarineta ZF.
Od 1997. godine stalni je član Zagrebačke filharmonije, a 2001. godine i njezin solo klarinetist. S orkestrom odlazi na turneje po Europi, Japanu i Meksiku i surađuje s mnogim svjetski proslavljenim dirigentima i solistima. 2006. godine bio je predstavnik Hrvatske u World Philharmonic Orchestra u Parisu.
Profesor je na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Sutvorac je projekata VIMM i ZIMM, jedinstvenog oblika međunarodnog natjecanja i usavršavanja za klarinetiste.
Član je žirija na hrvatskim i međunarodnim natjecanjima.
Davor Reba is a Croatian clarinettist and a teacher. He studied with professor Giovanni Cavallin and earned his Bachelor’s and Master of Music Degree with professor Josip Tonžetić at the Zagreb Academy of Music. Reba specialized with professor Walter Boeykens in Antwerpen and at various seminars. He earned the first award at the last competition of the clarinet students in former Yugoslavia and gave many solo recitals in Croatia and abroad with the acknowledged pianists Marina Matolić, Ivan Batoš, Julia Gubaydulina, Ljubomir Gašparević, Darko Domitrović, Veljko Glodić, Martina Cukrov, Vlasta Gyura, Lana Bradić and many others..
Reba performed solo with the Zagreb Philharmonic orchestra, with the Croatian Chamber Orchestra and Zadar chamber orchestra. He also performed with many chamber ensembles (Cantus, The Zagreb String Quartet, The Porin Quartet, The «Arundo Donex» Clarinet Quartet, The «Crowind» Wind Quintet, The Varaždin Chamber Orchestra and The Croatian Chamber Orchestra).
He is a co-founder of the “Wind Octet ZF” and of the Septette «Ad libitum ZF» with which he has regularly performed. From 1997 he has been a full member of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and since 2001 its solo clarinettist. With the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra he toured Europe, China, USA, Japan and Mexico and has co-operated with many world famous conductors and soloists.
Reba is an professor at the Academy of Music in Zagreb. He has held regular summer seminars in Pučišća (the island of Brač). He is one of the founders of VIMM ( Virovitica international music meeting) and the Croatian Clarinet Society.